Assalamualaikum & Hi! I'm Atikah Bt Mansor or some calls me Odet(it's a long story). I'm 19 years old enought this year and currently i'm pursuing my studies in diploma in Accountacy at Polisas, Kuantan.
Hello ~
recent update :
Already an IPTA student :p
written on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 @ 8:32 AM ✈
First of all, have you answered my salam yet? huhu thank you if you did it :) Ya Allah it's been so long since my last post :'D 2 years babeee (!!) I'm already 18 HAHAHA YESS 18 (but my physically doesn't look like 18 at all tho but ssokay ah 'awet muda' kahkah). I must be lying if I said that I didn't miss blogging, however, I don't know what should I talk about (as you can see, I'm just wasting time). Moreover, I don't have any reader, huhuhu acah-acah je atas tu "pembaca setia". eh but this blog is just like my open diary, why do I ever need a reader? hehehe
Okay gaiss back to our main topic gaiss. haha ya I'm already an IPTA student, Polisas student aka lifestyle student (okay only Polisas students will know what does it meant). My life in Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah is just amazing :) Honestly, being an IPT student is not easy but it is not difficult neither. You just need to know how to bring you, yourself either to succeed or not, either to be a good person or vice versa. You choose. Most importantly, choose your friend wisely ! and andd do manage your time (even if you're not an IPT student, you also need this. Jangan nak 'berjimba' sangat. eh wait, am I talking to myself?) okay, I would like to show you guys some Polisas' pictures. Even if you guys do not want to look at it hehehe idc :p

Nampak lawa but you don't know the 'BTS' stories ;) "Meon", yes thats what we call them (monkeyssss). They're very annoying (!). Their hobby is chasing us for food (sometimes for no reason). huhuhu. We all are going mad (of course) just because of them :( From now on, I hate monkeys :'D
I think thats all for my first post being an IPT student. In Shaa Allah, I will write again next time if I do have time (and story). Wish me luck in life okay? byebye :D Assalamualaikum.
Already an IPTA student :p
written on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 @ 8:32 AM ✈
First of all, have you answered my salam yet? huhu thank you if you did it :) Ya Allah it's been so long since my last post :'D 2 years babeee (!!) I'm already 18 HAHAHA YESS 18 (but my physically doesn't look like 18 at all tho but ssokay ah 'awet muda' kahkah). I must be lying if I said that I didn't miss blogging, however, I don't know what should I talk about (as you can see, I'm just wasting time). Moreover, I don't have any reader, huhuhu acah-acah je atas tu "pembaca setia". eh but this blog is just like my open diary, why do I ever need a reader? hehehe
Okay gaiss back to our main topic gaiss. haha ya I'm already an IPTA student, Polisas student aka lifestyle student (okay only Polisas students will know what does it meant). My life in Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah is just amazing :) Honestly, being an IPT student is not easy but it is not difficult neither. You just need to know how to bring you, yourself either to succeed or not, either to be a good person or vice versa. You choose. Most importantly, choose your friend wisely ! and andd do manage your time (even if you're not an IPT student, you also need this. Jangan nak 'berjimba' sangat. eh wait, am I talking to myself?) okay, I would like to show you guys some Polisas' pictures. Even if you guys do not want to look at it hehehe idc :p

Nampak lawa but you don't know the 'BTS' stories ;) "Meon", yes thats what we call them (monkeyssss). They're very annoying (!). Their hobby is chasing us for food (sometimes for no reason). huhuhu. We all are going mad (of course) just because of them :( From now on, I hate monkeys :'D
I think thats all for my first post being an IPT student. In Shaa Allah, I will write again next time if I do have time (and story). Wish me luck in life okay? byebye :D Assalamualaikum.
we live under the same sky
“To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully.”
- James Allen Quotes
Sometimes I wonder how people see me and what they think of me. It scares me a bit, honestly. I am sure though, that what they think of me,
what they think my life is, is a complete misperception. I have always tried to show myself as a carefree person, as someone who wont get bothered
because of public judgements. I am sure my friend and family think there is nothing going wrong in my life, that I do not worry enough, that
I am always happy. And I am sure they probably somewhat hate me for it because, lets admit it, there is nothing worse than seeing someone
who is life seems so perfect while yours is a complete mess. Truth is, I have become an expert at pretending. I think we are all experts
or at least we are getting there.
my sunshine
links exchanged opened! just tag me but link me first
coming soon....